Britain | Lettuce pray

On shame, Liz Truss and the turnip Taliban

A local group is trying to eject the former prime minister from her seat

Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss attends the 'Popular Conservatives' conference.
Photograph: Getty Images

It has been a difficult few years for Liz Truss. First she crashed the British economy. This was painful for her. (“I could hardly sleep,” she writes in her recent memoir.) Then she became the shortest-reigning prime minister in British history (she felt “angry and frustrated”). Then there was that nasty business with the lettuce (“puerile”). To add to her woes, in the middle of her premiership, the queen died. As Ms Truss, ever alive to the emotional needs of the nation, wrote in anguished italics: “Why me? Why now?”

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Truss v the turnip Taliban”

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