Leaders | The Iceberg Lady

Liz Truss has made Britain a riskier bet for bond investors

There is no way for her to go back to the way things were before

British Prime Minister Liz Truss makes a press statement after a meeting of the European Political Community at Prague Castle in Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday, Oct 6, 2022. Leaders from around 44 countries are gathering Thursday to launch a "European Political Community" aimed at boosting security and economic prosperity across the continent, with Russia the one major European power not invited. Alastair Grant/Pool via REUTERS

Editor’s note: On October 20th Liz Truss resigned as leader of Britain’s Conservative Party and thus will soon depart as prime minister.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “The Iceberg Lady”

The world China wants

From the October 15th 2022 edition

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