Jun 29th 2024

France’s centre cannot hold


The British election

Keir Starmer should be Britain’s next prime minister

Why Labour must form the next government

Governing America

What to make of Joe Biden’s plans for a second term

His domestic agenda is underwhelming, unrealistic and better than the alternative

Global warming

Simple steps to stop people dying from heatwaves

As much of the world roasts, don’t despair

Pointers for the plenum

A pivotal moment for China’s Communist Party

Will Xi Jinping keep ignoring good advice at the party’s third plenum?

Can you make this clearer?

LLMs now write lots of science. Good

Easier and more lucid writing will make science faster and better

The centre cannot hold

Macron has done well by France. But he risks throwing it all away

After the election, populists of the right and left could hobble a centrist president


On software attacks, lab-grown meat, the pop industry, Iraq, the Moon, breasts

Letters to the editor

By Invitation

Business and the American election

A business leader on why he’s backing Donald Trump


The trouble with sequels

What would Joe Biden actually do with a second term?

He has a domestic agenda, but no easy way to bring it about



United States

Middle East & Africa

The Americas





Keeping the lights on

Is the revival of Paris in peril?

Finance & economics

Industries of the future

Will services make the world rich?

Science & technology


Putin’s delusions, Ukrainians’ pain

A clear-eyed account of Ukraine under siege

The Economist reads

Economic & financial indicators
