Jul 13th 2024

How to raise the world’s IQ


Nutrition and cognition

How to raise the world’s IQ

Simple ways to make the next generation more intelligent

School scandal

Faddish thinking is hobbling education in the rich world

Test scores have been stagnant or worse for more than a decade

France’s shotgun election

The French far right may not have peaked

After winning 32% of the vote in parliamentary elections it will eye the presidency


How to prevent strongmen from hijacking the fight against dodgy money

Egypt, India and Turkey are regular abusers

Lord, make us proportional—but not yet

Britain’s skewed election reinforces the case for voting reform. After 2029

The new government has more important things to deal with first


On Joe Biden, a Palestinian state, rising seas, Willie Mays, working late

Letters to the editor

By Invitation

SCOTUS and presidential immunity

Justice Sotomayor was right for the wrong reasons


Food for thought

Small investments in nutrition could make the world brainier

Many pregnant women and babies are malnourished—and not just in poor countries


No business like sow business

The world’s next food superpower


Artefacts that serve a purpose

China is using archaeology as a weapon

United States

Middle East & Africa

The Americas


The French parliamentary election

France is desperately searching for a government



Special report

Schooling’s stagnation

Sources and acknowledgments


Finance & economics

Retaliate, negotiate, repeat

Europe prepares for a mighty trade war

Science & technology


A date with destiny and your data

What happens to your data when you die?

Economic & financial indicators
