Europe | Ignorance is strength

The Kremlin is rewriting Wikipedia

A new version of history is taking shape

 John Hurt in 1984
DoubleplusungoodPhotograph: Alamy

WIKIPEDIA had faced trouble from the Kremlin before, with Russian censors threatening it almost from the start of the Ukraine war in 2014. But it was only in late 2023, with the appearance of glitzy ads across Moscow, that a serious plan to replace it became clear. RuWiki, as the censors’ project is known, is mostly a straightforward copy of Wikipedia. But the most sensitive moments of history have been left out or rewritten. The Kremlin’s ideologues hope that millions of Russians will now embrace these new versions as the truth.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Ignorance is strength”

How to raise the world’s IQ

From the July 13th 2024 edition

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