Apr 20th 2024

Reasons to be cheerful about Generation Z


OK Zoomer

Reasons to be cheerful about Generation Z

They are not doomed to be poor and anxious

The Modi juggernaut

India’s democracy needs a stronger opposition

The Congress party is set for a drubbing in the world’s biggest election

The Middle East on fire

Israel should not rush to strike back at Iran

Instead it should try a novel response to Iran’s missile attack: restraint

Your country needs (more of) you

How to get more people into military uniforms

Why mandatory military service makes sense for some countries but not others

The second Powell pivot

America’s interest rates are unlikely to fall this year

That will squeeze financial markets and the world economy

Poor prescription

America’s moves against Chinese biotech will hurt patients at home

The motives behind the BIOSECURE act are muddy


On China, WEIRD countries, nuclear weapons, O.J. Simpson, software engineers, XL Bully dogs, banlieues, uniforms

Letters to the editor

By Invitation


Emptying and fuming

America is uniquely ill-suited to handle a falling population

Which is a worry, because much of it is already shrinking



United States

Middle East & Africa

The Americas


Not-so-bullish Germany in the China shop

The German chancellor’s awkward meeting with China’s boss


“Sexually, I’m more of a Switzerland”

Online dating spells the end of Britain’s lonely-hearts ads



Finance & economics

Science & technology


All quiet about the Eastern Front

Much of the Great War was decided in the east

Economic & financial indicators

The Economist explains

The Economist explains

What is geoengineering?
