Britain | Give me votes but not too many

What is the point of the Lib Dems?

They like raincoats and don’t like sewage—or power

The leader of the Liberal Democrat slides down a slip n slide in Frome.
Photograph: LNP

What is the point of the Liberal Democrats? Even to ask the question feels unkind, akin to asking “What is the point of kittens?” In Knighton, a small town in mid-Wales, a crowd of Lib Dem supporters have gathered to see Sir Ed Davey, the party leader, speak. They all look exactly as you would imagine. There is a lot of sensible rainwear and a good showing of beards; most look like retired maths teachers; all look like the kind of people who worry about washing their yogurt pots before recycling them. When Sir Ed appears on a bicycle and puts his legs out like Coco the Clown, the crowd, with a rustle of raincoats, clap jollily.

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Give me votes, but not too many”

A triumph for Indian democracy

From the June 8th 2024 edition

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