Leaders | From chatbots to robots

Three reasons why it’s good news that robots are getting smarter

They are becoming more capable, easier to program and better at explaining themselves

Sanctuary AI robot
Photograph: Sanctuary AI

THE ROBOTS are coming! In science fiction that is usually an ominous warning. In the real world, it is a prediction—and a welcome one. The field of robotics has made impressive progress in the past year, as researchers in universities and industry have applied advances in artificial intelligence (AI) to machines. The same technology that enables chatbots like ChatGPT to hold conversations, or systems like DALL-E to create realistic-looking images from text descriptions, can give robots of all kinds a dramatic brain upgrade.

As a result, robots are becoming more capable, easier to program and able to explain what they are doing. Investors are piling into robotics startups. OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, which gave up on robots a few years ago, has changed its mind and started hiring a new robotics team. When brought to bear upon the physical world, previously disembodied AI now appears to have enormous potential.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “From talk to action”

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From the June 8th 2024 edition

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