Leaders | The Modi Raj

A triumph for Indian democracy

The shock election result will change the country—ultimately for the better

A political poster of Indian Prime Minister Modi coming unstuck in one corner
image: Justin Metz

The world’s biggest electorate has just shown how democracy can rebuke out-of-touch political elites, limit the concentration of power and change a country’s destiny. After a decade in charge, Narendra Modi was forecast to win a landslide victory in this year’s election; yet on June 4th it became clear that his party had lost its parliamentary majority, forcing him to rule through a coalition. The result partially derails the Modi project to renew India. It will also make politics messier, which has spooked financial markets. And yet it promises to change India for the better. This outcome lowers the risk of the country sliding towards autocracy, buttresses it as a pillar of democracy and, if Mr Modi is willing to adapt, opens a new path to reforms that can sustain its rapid development.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “A triumph for Indian democracy”

A triumph for Indian democracy

From the June 8th 2024 edition

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