Europe | 20km from the enemy

The Kremlin wants to make Ukraine’s second city unliveable

The race to save Kharkiv from Russian bombs

Russian shelling hits industrial area in Kharkiv
Photograph: Getty Images

IT HAS BEEN a few days since a 250kg Russian glide bomb landed in Iryna Tymokhyna’s courtyard on 23rd August Street, and it is fair to say she is not happy. Sitting on the park bench that has since become her living room, the 60-year-old curses Vladimir Putin and the minority of Kharkiv residents she believes are still helping him. Her apartment is covered in dust and broken glass, she says; her neighbours were put in hospital, and a passing bicycle courier was killed. “If it was up to me, I would shoot the bastards…and I’d wipe Belgorod [the closest Russian city] off the face of the Earth while I was at it.”

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “The race to save Kharkiv”

The next housing disaster

From the April 13th 2024 edition

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