Middle East and Africa | Israel and Hamas in the dock

The ICC’s threat to arrest Binyamin Netanyahu has shocked Israel 

America and Israel have reacted with outrage at the implied equivalence between Israel and Hamas

Binyamin Netanyahu and Yehya Sinwa
Photograph: AFP/AP

IT HAD BEEN been expected in Israel for weeks, but was still a shock when it came. On May 20th the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, announced that he was requesting arrest warrants for Binyamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, Israel’s prime minister and defence minister, as well as the leaders of Hamas, the Islamists who launched the deadly attack on Israel on October 7th last year, on charges of war crimes.

The prospect of their leaders appearing in the dock along with the perpetrators of a massacre against them is unthinkable for Israelis. But it is a sign of the horror with which many have come to view their government’s devastating war in Gaza. Mr Khan, a British lawyer, issued detailed and lengthy accusations against both sides. He opened with the allegations against the Hamas chiefs, Yahya Sinwar (pictured right), Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh, detailing the murder, sexual assault and kidnapping of Israeli citizens. But the charges against the Israeli ministers were no less pointed.

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This article appeared in the Middle East & Africa section of the print edition under the headline “Israel and Hamas in the dock”

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