Middle East and Africa | The coup will not be televised

A live-streamed attempted coup in Congo shakes the region

The involvement of Americans in the botched putsch is embarrassing for Washington as it tries to maintain influence

Men captured by Congolese security forces after a failed coup attempt
An inglorious endingPhotograph: X

In the very early hours of May 19th around 50 armed and camouflaged men screeched through Kinshasa, Congo’s capital. First they attacked the home of Vital Kamerhe, a government minister. After a fruitless 40-minute firefight with his guards, the attackers moved on to the Palais de la Nation, the official residence of Félix Tshisekedi, the president.

This article appeared in the Middle East & Africa section of the print edition under the headline “The coup will not be televised”

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