China | Covid-19 in China

The Chinese scientist who sequenced covid is barred from his lab

The Communist Party is still hounding experts whose work might expose its pandemic missteps

The virologist Zhang Yongzhen is staging a sit-in protest after Chinese authorities allegedly locked him out of his lab.
Photograph: Weibo

Since covid-19 emerged over four years ago in the central city of Wuhan, the Communist Party has made life miserable for those seeking to study the disease and share their findings with the world. Take Zhang Yongzhen, a Chinese virologist whose team sequenced the genome of the virus that causes covid in early 2020. Days later he granted permission for a British scientist to publish the groundbreaking work. This allowed the world to design covid tests and begin developing vaccines. But to party officials, hell-bent on deflecting blame for their missteps in managing the outbreak, it was a betrayal. Dr Zhang’s lab was investigated for wrongdoing.

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This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “Controlling science”

Truth and lies: The new science of disinformation

From the May 4th 2024 edition

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