United States | Battleground boost

Might Wisconsin’s redrawn state-legislative districts help Biden win?

Democrats hope newly competitive local contests will boost turnout in the swing state

A map of Door County made of license plates from Wisconsin.
Photograph: Getty Images

Tony Evers, the Democratic governor of Wisconsin, is known in his state for his Midwestern grandfatherly air. On June 8th, speaking in a casino in Milwaukee at the state Democratic convention, he leant into that. First, he argued that Democrats “are getting shit done and delivering for Wisconsin”, before apologising for swearing. Then he talked about one of his proudest achievements. In February Mr Evers signed into law new state legislative-district maps that undo one of the country’s worst gerrymanders. This, the governor said, with a wink, was a “bfd—and that means a big fine deal.”

Thanks to the new maps, for the first time in decades Democrats have a narrow shot of regaining the Wisconsin state house. But they are dreaming bigger. They are hoping enthusiasm in newly competitive districts will boost turnout among Democrat-leaning voters, and help Joe Biden retain the presidency.

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This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “Battleground boost”

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