United States | Spreading like a weed

Marijuana is already legal for a majority of Americans

National prohibition has not stifled budding entrepreneurs

Cannabis plants in a greenhouse in California.
Photograph: Getty Images

From the outside, the production facility in Webberville, a small town in central Michigan, does not look like much. The bare warehouse could be any sort of industrial facility. Even the sign with the company name, C3 Industries, does not give much away. But for those of a certain disposition, getting the chance to enter would be a bit like winning a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s factory. For this facility is one of America’s larger cannabis-production facilities. Within its walls are roughly 125,000 square feet of greenhouses, filled with thousands of spiky plants, each with a distinctive yellow tag hanging from it. Sneak away and taste the product and you will not literally float like Mr Wonka’s visitors. But it might feel like it.

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This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “Spreading like a weed”

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