United States | That’s DWAC

Donald Trump tries his hand with meme-stocks

Investors in his SPAC may get burned, but they don’t seem to mind

Donald Trump standing on stage.
Photograph: Getty Images
|New York

There is a spirited corner of the internet where MAGA die-hards go to talk politics, God and the stockmarket. On Reddit and Rumble (a kind of far-right YouTube) they pump up their man Donald Trump and his social-media company, Truth Social, which they pray will soon go public via a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC). Together they pore over its latest filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), then they read a Bible verse or two. One Old Testament proverb—“Buy the truth and do not sell it”—is almost too apt. “That’s what we’re doing here, folks,” says Chad Nedohin, a hype-man on Rumble. “Literally, as a team of investors, we have bought into truth and we are never selling because we are diamond-handed HODLers”. That is crypto-speak for “hold on for dear life”.

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This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “That’s DWAC”

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