United States | The struggling state

California is gripped by economic problems, with no easy fix

Rising unemployment, a growing deficit and persistent outmigration are a painful trinity

Traffic on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, USA
A terrible place, reallyPhotograph: Philip Cheung/The New York Times/Redux/Eyevine

HOME TO MANY of America’s most progressive policies, from criminal justice to vehicle emissions, California serves a unique role as a punchbag for right-wing politicians. Every few years it becomes fashionable to declare that it is a failed state, or that the California dream is turning into a nightmare. This rhetoric is often overblown: in terms of pure economic heft California remains the most powerful American state. But for all its continuing prowess in innovation (not least in artificial intelligence), California again appears to be entering one of its periodic rough patches.

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This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “Future imperfect”

China’s risky reboot

From the April 6th 2024 edition

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