Finance and economics | Stakeholders at the gate

Activist investing is no longer the preserve of hedge-fund sharks

ExxonMobil and Starbucks are victims of the latest trend

Members and supporters of Starbucks Workers United protest outside of a Starbucks store in Dupont Circle in Washington, DC.
Photograph: Getty Images
|New York

Trade unions rarely look to corporate raiders for inspiration. Yet the Strategic Organising Centre (SOC), a coalition of North American workers groups, is mounting the sort of campaign normally associated with hedge funds. The group’s target is Starbucks, a coffee-shop chain with a market capitalisation of $107bn. Whereas traditional activist investors take a chunk of a company and pressure its management to change strategy, hoping to gain from a bump in the share price, the SOC owns a mere $16,000-worth of Starbucks shares, and ultimately wants to improve the lot of the firm’s workers.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Stakeholders at the gate”

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