Middle East and Africa | The destruction of Addis Ababa

The historic heart of Addis Ababa is being demolished

Abiy Ahmed is imposing his vision on Ethiopia’s capital

A woman walks past debris from houses during a planned demolition in the historical Piazza neighbourhood of Addis Ababa
Soon to be a cycle lanePhotograph: AFP

The historic neighbourhood of Piassa, at the old heart of Addis Ababa, is being taken apart. Workmen are uprooting pipes, felling lampposts and chiselling at façades. One building is being dismantled brick by brick, as though a video of its construction is being wound backwards. Shops are being smashed through with sledgehammers. Homes have been bulldozed.

This article appeared in the Middle East & Africa section of the print edition under the headline “Deconstructing the city”

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