Europe | Europe’s bantamweight

The Germany-shaped void at Europe’s heart

Olaf Scholz’s government is punching below its weight in Brussels

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz boards a plane at the military section of the capital's BER airport
Photograph: dpa

LAST MONTH Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron entered an EU summit with a plan. The German and French leaders agreed that a “strategic agenda” document, drawn up to set the EU’s priorities for the next five years, was inadequate. The passages on climate and migration were weak, and what about defence? But their extensive rewrites, drawn up just before the meeting, sparked a revolt among the other leaders, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni among them. Voices were raised, fingers jabbed, and the pair retreated in humiliation. They had failed the most elementary test of the European Council: avoid springing surprises on your colleagues.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Europe’s Germany-shaped hole”

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