Leaders | July 4th celebration

Rishi Sunak’s election call makes no sense, but is good news

Whether an act of political genius or lunacy, Britons should welcome it

Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, soaked in rain announces a general election on July 4th
Photograph: Getty Images

An old axiom of British politics is that the Conservative Party is ruthless in its pursuit of power. Lately it has seemed relentlessly focused on losing it. It has purged talented MPs who did not toe the ideological line on Brexit, a cause that a majority of voters now think was wrong. In Boris Johnson, it picked a leader manifestly unsuited for high office. In Liz Truss, it installed the shortest-lived prime minister in British history and the person who shredded the party’s reputation for economic competence. Now, after taking a long, hard look into the electoral abyss, it has gone ahead and jumped.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Rishi Sunak’s election surprise”

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