Middle East and Africa | The light continent

Private firms are driving a revolution in solar power in Africa

Unreliable grids and falling costs are persuading companies to go off-grid

 A young girl charges a radio using a modified solar panel in Kibera, Nairobi
Photograph: IMAGO

African poverty is partly a consequence of energy poverty. In every other continent the vast majority of people have access to electricity. In Africa 600m people, 43% of the total, cannot readily light their homes or charge their phones. And those who nominally have grid electricity find it as reliable as a Scottish summer. More than three-quarters of African firms experience outages; two-fifths say electricity is the main constraint on their business. If other sub-Saharan African countries had enjoyed power as reliable as South Africa’s from 1995 to 2007, then the continent’s rate of real GDP growth per person would have been two percentage points higher, more than doubling the actual rate, according to one academic paper. Since then South Africa has also had erratic electricity. So-called “load-shedding” is probably the main reason why the economy has shrunk in four of the past eight quarters.

Dawn of the solar age

From the June 22nd 2024 edition

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