Britain | Blue rinse

Our constituency poll has awful news for Britain’s Tories

Hartlepool is on track to lurch back to Labour in the election. Reform UK is in second spot

Lone Fisherman looking out to ship in North Sea, off Durham Coast, Hartlepool.
Photograph: Alamy

For a place that is often described as left behind, Teesside receives a lot of attention from politicians. The Evening Gazette, a local paper, tallied over ten visits by Boris Johnson between 2019 and 2022, when he was prime minister. His successor-but-one, Rishi Sunak, has pointed at potholes in nearby Darlington and opened a branch of the Treasury there. On June 1st Mr Sunak launched the Tories’ “battle bus” in Redcar, east of the river Tees.

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Blue rinse”

The rise of Chinese science: Welcome or worrying?

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