Science and technology | Naval mines

Mines are the neglected workhorses of naval strategy

They are cheap to deploy and expensive to get rid of

HFBA5W 140516-N-QY759-085 BALTIC SEA (May 16, 2014) A Canadian explosive ordnance disposal team detonates a World War II German naval mine after safely removing it from the wreck of a German minelayer worked by them and U.S. Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) 8. EODMU-8 is participating in Open Spirit, a multinational operation that disposes of mines and other ordnance remaining on the seabed from World War I and World War II to reduce the risk to navigation, fishing and to the environment in the Baltic Sea. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication 1st Class David R. Krigbaum/Released

The sexy end of modern naval forces, observes Duncan Potts, a retired vice-admiral in Britain’s Royal Navy, is stuff like guided-missile destroyers, fast jets and nuclear submarines. But it is often a far humbler device, the naval mine, that does much of the damage. During the second world war, these static underwater bombs are reckoned to have sunk 2,100 vessels. Not as many as the 4,600 accounted for by submarines, but far more than attacks by aircraft or artillery bombardment by other ships. Subsequent conflicts have seen mines cripple or send to the bottom nearly four times as many American warships as all other types of weapons combined.

This article appeared in the Science & technology section of the print edition under the headline “Lurkers below”

The disunited states of America

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