Britain | Prospective MPs

Generation K: Keir Starmer’s cohort of Labour candidates

Who are the people who might reshape British politics for years to come?

Collage of Keir Starmer in the House of Commons with rows of MPs with his head behind him.
Illustration: Ellie Foreman-Peck

IMAGINE the seats up for grabs in the general election on July 4th are sorted in order, from ones that Labour are most likely to gain from other parties to those they are least likely to. As of May 29th The Economist’s prediction model shows that High Peak in Derbyshire would be most likely to fall to Labour if an election were held tomorrow; Jon Pearce, an employment lawyer who once worked shifts in McDonald’s, has a 99.96% chance of becoming its MP. If the party wins 389 seats—the central scenario in our prediction, giving Sir Keir Starmer a majority of 128—the last seat to turn red would be Amber Valley, also in Derbyshire, where Linsey Farnsworth, a former public prosecutor, is the candidate.

Chart: The Economist

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Generation K”

Meet America’s most dynamic political movement

From the June 1st 2024 edition

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