Leaders | The Middle East

Gaza could become “Mogadishu on the Med”

Even if there is a ceasefire, its prospects are grim

People inspect a building destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Al-Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, on July 15th 2024
Photograph: Marwan Dawood/Xinhua/Eyevine

The war in Gaza is in a new phase. The fighting is tapering down, although Israel is still conducting air strikes against Hamas. One of these on July 13th may have killed the military mastermind behind the October 7th attacks, Muhammad Deif, as well as scores of fighters and civilians. Ceasefire talks continue in Qatar and Cairo, with signs that Hamas is prepared to agree to a temporary truce and a swap of hostages and prisoners, without first demanding a permanent Israeli withdrawal.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Mogadishu on the Med”

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