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Ukraine’s draft dodgers are living in fear

Ever more conscripts are needed against Russia’s offensive

Ukrainian serviceman and police officers check the documents of a man in the center of Kyiv
Photograph: AFP

THE IDEA was madness, opening a bar in the throes of war. Russian warships dominated Odessa’s horizon and the streets were barricaded with tank traps. Normal people were preserving whatever they had. But for a group of former philosophy students, it was the moment dreams were made and they poured everything into the project. By early summer 2022 they had refashioned a beauty salon into a new cultural hotspot, selling erotic photography and moonshine vodka. They mused about becoming partisans to fight the Russians should they ever appear.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Odessa’s vanishing lads”

Truth and lies: The new science of disinformation

From the May 4th 2024 edition

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