Britain | Expectation management

Child poverty will be a test of Labour’s fiscal prudence

Its MPs, members and voters will want rapid action on a totemic issue

A donations container at a Trussell Trust foodbank in London
Prudence or povertyPhotograph: Getty Images

For a taste of the pressures that Labour will almost certainly soon be grappling with, watch a recent interview with Sir Keir Starmer on Sky News, a broadcaster. Pushed on how he would help families struggling with rising taxes and high energy bills, the Labour leader asked voters to trust his instincts: “It’s about who do you have in your mind’s eye?” The interviewer moved swiftly onto child poverty: could Sir Keir pledge to remove the two-child limit, which means families on benefits get no extra support beyond their second child? “I’m not going to make promises that I can’t keep,” he said.

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Expectation management”

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