Europe | Collateral damage

Vladimir Putin pulls Russia out of its last nuclear-arms-control treaty

The move is both predictable and reckless

Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen on a screen during his annual address to the Federal Assembly, in Sevastopol, Crimea February 21, 2023.  REUTERS/Alexey Pavlishak     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Image: Reuters

AMID BOASTFUL claims about the strength of the Russian economy in resisting sanctions and the usual bluster about how it was NATO that started the war in Ukraine and how the West (a sink of depravity where paedophilia is “declared normal”) is striving for “unlimited domination”, Vladimir Putin did make one announcement of substance. In an important speech on February 21st, just before the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion, Mr Putin declared that Moscow would suspend its involvement in New START, the only remaining arms-control agreement between the two nuclear superpowers.

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