The Americas

Canada’s overdose capital

Vancouver pioneered liberal drug policies. Fentanyl destroyed them

So-called harm-reduction measures have become a rod for Justin Trudeau’s back

Mission impossible

A Kenyan-led security mission finally starts to arrive in Haiti

But can it make a difference?

Chaos in the Andes

An apparent coup in Bolivia founders, but the country remains in trouble

The sight of armoured vehicles ramming the presidential palace will scare investors away

No pain, no gain

Javier Milei has turned Argentina into a libertarian laboratory

But the biggest economic test is yet to come

Reforming the unreformable

Javier Milei finally lugs key reforms through Argentina’s Senate

Markets celebrated the two bills’ passing, after protesters took to the streets of Buenos Aires

Embrace the neighbours

Why Latin America is the world’s trade pipsqueak

Its geography hinders commerce. But so does policy

Leaving behind compromise

Colombia’s leftist president is flailing

His attempts at reform are increasingly infuriating Colombians

Going for gold

A battle royal over deep-sea archaeology in the Caribbean

Colombia begins to explore one of the world’s most contested shipwrecks

Mexico’s new president

Claudia Sheinbaum’s landslide victory is a danger for Mexico

She has huge power, but faces huge challenges

Climate migration

As seas rise, the relocation of Caribbean islanders has begun

The government-managed movement of 300 families from the island of Gardi Sugdub is a test case for “planned retreat” in Latin America

A momentous moment

Violence mars Mexicans’ biggest elections ever

A lot is at stake besides who will become the new president

Influencer and president

Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s mañaneras boost his presidency

They are a marvel of populist communication