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Israel and the Middle East: elusive peace

icon-calendar Thursday April 18th 2024
Israel and the Middle East: elusive peace

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Event overview

Will a failed drone attack on Israel by Iran, and possible retaliation, spark a wider conflict in the Middle East? How can America’s call for restraint be effective? As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza deepens, what role should Western and Arab leaders play? Our editors discuss the latest developments and the prospects for reducing tensions. Sign up to our new subscriber-only newsletter Middle East Dispatch to access our coverage of this complex and consequential part of the world in one place.


  • Edward Carr
    Deputy editor
    Edward Carr is the deputy editor responsible for editorial. He works alongside the Editor-in-Chief to oversee The Economist‘s journalism. He joined the newspaper as a science correspondent in 1987. After a series of jobs covering electronics, trade, energy and the environment, he moved to Paris to write about European business. In 2000, after a period as business editor, Mr. Carr left for the Financial Times, where he worked latterly as news editor. He returned to The Economist 2005 as Britain editor, then became business affairs editor for a number of years. He was foreign editor (2009-15) before taking up his current role.
  • Josie Delap
    Middle East editor
    Josie Delap is The Economist‘s Middle East editor. Prior to this she was the international editor and deputy briefings editor. She has also edited the Christmas double issue. Her previous roles at The Economist have included senior editor at 1843, retail correspondent, covering e-commerce, traditional retail and consumer companies around the world and Britain home-affairs correspondent, writing about immigration, the criminal justice system, religion and social affairs. Before that she worked as The Economist’s Southern Africa correspondent, based in Johannesburg and the online Middle East and Africa editor. She holds a BA in Arabic and French from Cambridge University and an MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies from Oxford University.
  • Gregg Carlstrom
    Middle East correspondent
    Gregg Carlstrom is a Middle East correspondent for The Economist, based in Dubai. He has covered the region for more than a decade, with stints in Cairo, Beirut and Tel Aviv. His reporting and analysis on the Middle East has been published in a number of other publications, including Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic and Politico. His first book, “How Long Will Israel Survive: The Threat From Within,” was published in 2017.
  • Anton La Guardia
    Diplomatic editor
    Anton La Guardia is the diplomatic editor of The Economist, based in Washington, DC. Prior to this role, he was the digital editor, deputy foreign editor and Middle East and Africa editor. He was formerly based in Brussels as European Union correspondent and author of the Charlemagne column (2010-14). Prior to this he was defence and security correspondent. Mr. La Guardia joined the newspaper in October 2006, after spending two decades at the Daily Telegraph where he worked as diplomatic editor, Africa correspondent, Middle East correspondent and Ireland correspondent. He started working as an international correspondent in 1986, when he covered the “People Power” revolution in the Philippines as a freelance journalist. Mr. La Guardia is the author (with John Peet) of ”Unhappy union: How the Euro Crisis can be Fixed and the Euro Saved”. He is also the author of “Holy Land, Unholy War: Israelis and Palestinians”, an account of the Middle East conflict, published in America as “War Without End: Israelis, Palestinians and the Struggle for a Promised Land”. Mr. La Guardia is a frequent broadcaster, both on radio and television.


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