

Tech bros love J.D. Vance. Many CEOs are scared stiff

Donald Trump’s running-mate has a deep-rooted resentment of big business

Married, with chiding

What a $600m wedding says about India’s attitude to wealth

The Ambani nuptials enticed everyone from Justin Bieber and Shah Rukh Khan to John Kerry

Power drain

Why most battery-makers struggle to make money

This is not your classic boom-and-bust cycle

Peering across the Rhine

What German business makes of France’s leftward turn

Deutschland AG and France SA are closer than ever

Where’s my money?

Europe’s biggest debt-collector has a debt problem

Intrum gets into hot water with its creditors


The CEO’s alternative summer reading list

Some genre-bending management books

Tit for tat, not Tesla

The EV trade war between China and the West heats up

But Elon Musk’s carmaker is somehow escaping the worst of it


Once high-flying Boeing is now a corporate criminal

Its woes illustrate the excesses of a lean-and-mean era in corporate America

Past their prime

America’s giant armsmakers are being outgunned

Why there is little sign of a defence-industry bonanza in a post-peace world


Lessons in risk-taking from buccaneering BBVA

The Spanish lender places brave political bets at home and abroad

A bunker mentality

Panic rooms and private bunkers are all the rage in Germany

Everyone from tycoons to typical middle-class families seeks shelter


Your conference-survival handbook

Rules to make gabfests vaguely useful