
Electoral rebuke

Narendra Modi could respond to disappointment in two different ways

He could become more moderate and focus on the economy, or double down on Hindu nationalism

Abortion and politics

The undoing of Roe v Wade has created a mighty political movement

The power of women with clipboards

Dawdling and decay

Why this is South Africa’s most important election since 1994

It may force the country’s indecisive leader to make a fateful choice

In the worst case

Why America is vulnerable to a despot

Its democratic system is not as robust as it seems

The great regression

The world’s economic order is breaking down

Critics will miss globalisation when it is gone

Budgetary blindness

America’s fiscal outlook is disastrous, but forgotten

On the campaign trail, both main candidates largely ignore the problem

Last-minute reprieve

America’s $61bn aid package buys Ukraine time

It must use it wisely

Emptying and fuming

America is uniquely ill-suited to handle a falling population

Which is a worry, because much of it is already shrinking

Risk of subsidence

Homeowners face a $25trn bill from climate change

Property, the world’s biggest asset class, is also its most vulnerable

Nuclear weapons

America and its allies are entering a period of nuclear uncertainty

And it means the balancing act is getting harder

Stranger danger

How to predict Donald Trump’s foreign policy

He may be inconsistent, but his advisers offer some clues

No winners

The war in Gaza may topple Hamas without making Israel safer

It will end up even more deeply mired in the conflict that is the main threat to its security