India’s economy

The India express

With the right changes, it can become an engine of global growth, say Arjun Ramani and Thomas Easton

The India express

For its next phase of growth, India needs a new reform agenda

With the right changes, it can become an engine of global growth, say Arjun Ramani and Thomas Easton

Surprise winner

India’s financial system has improved dramatically in the past decade

There is much more change to come

Functioning anarchy

India’s difficult business environment is improving

The changes are allowing Indian firms to become more dynamic

A tricky trio

India’s leaders must deal with three economic weaknesses

For growth to become more sustainable, it needs to be broader based

Stellar solar

Going green could bring huge benefits for India’s economy

But it is also bringing plenty of tensions

Building for the future

India must make much deeper changes if it is to sustain its growth

Improved human capital and a better relationship between the centre and the states will be crucial

The India express

Sources and acknowledgments

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